Saturday, 28 November 2015

Scandal: Mustapha Audu's Wife Defends Husband, Says He is an Angel, Curses Sugabelly

Mustapha and Wife, Zahra

Zahra, wife to  Mustapha Audu, took to twitter to defend her husband, who Sugabelly accused of raping her with his gang. According to Mrs Audu, Sugabelly was a troubled teenager with a history of mental illness. Zahra says she is an obsessive compulsive liar, a lady that stalked her when she first got married to Mustapha.

Zahra insists Sugabelly was not raped and she prays Sugabelly experiences all she claims she has lived through. And also, every single person who has accused, enabled, spread this rubbish stories about her husband, that she prays from her soul that they will have their karma. Every single person who feels that at a time when we should be grieving we need to deal with this nonsense.


Empress Sugabelly

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